Baking difficult? Not with the Butter&Flower box

Do you love tubs. Cookies, cakes, waffles, you name it. But what you have in your head does not always work out in reality. That is why I was very curious about the Boter boxes&Flower.

They say that baking is accessible to everyone. I tried this of course.

Butter & Flower makes baking accessible to all

I love baking and cooking. With cooking, the creations are always pretty much what I have in mind or on paper, although I still find it hard to make a plate look good. But baking is another story. In my head I always have very good ideas, but to execute them is difficult. Also I find it difficult, what to make.

Here are fond of sweets, but what shall I make and what should I get in the house?


At Butter&Flower they are here to help you restore the craft of baking and make real cakes, cookies and cupcakes. Finally, there is nothing more fun and delicious than proudly enjoying your homemade goodies. At Butter&Flower they make baking possible for everyone with the foolproof baking boxes.

Bringing coziness to the kitchen

They know at Butter&Flower how we look at life. We are all busy with our work and personal lives. Baking something tasty quickly gets in the way. Besides, you get tired just thinking about it. You’d love to, but you don’t have time to pick out a recipe, go shopping and when you get home, discover that you ran out of eggs.

Do you hate it? Have already thrown away many misfits? Pity!

Making delicious things together is super fun. With the baking boxes of Butter & Flour is easy to make and you also avoid waste because you get everything in measured portions delivered to your home.

Brownies and granola bars

Baking with Butter&Flour is very easy. On the site of Butter & Flour you can choose from different recipes, it says exactly how to make the recipe and what you get in the box. Then it’s ordering and waiting for the box to be delivered to your home.

You can specify when you want to receive it, that’s so easy.

I chose Brownies and Granola bars with chocolate. The Brownies, because my kids really love these and in the picture it looked so delicious, I really wanted to try that. And I chose to bake the mueli bars with chocolate. I have tried so many times in the past (especially when I started as a weight consultant) to make granola bars.

However, this failed every time. With this recipe and these ingredients, it should work anyway.

Butter and flour boxes for baking

The boxes were delivered and in them were all the ingredients, measured exactly in the amount I needed to bake the granola bars and brownies. On the bags and containers it was written what it contained and how long it would keep. In the granola bars with chocolate box was also the recipe.

The brownie box did not include this, however this was not a problem because the recipe is also on the site.

baking butter & flour

Boxes ready? Bake away

Baking the brownies, was super easy. Since everything is already weighed out, it was just a matter of mixing everything in the right order. Melt the chocolate and hop into the oven.

The brownies were a great success. They tasted good and turned out fine.

baking butter&flour

Since the boys had to stay over at school because of the nice weather last week, I decided to make the chocolate granola bars with the youngest of them. Again, everything was precisely measured in the box and making these bars was also a piece of cake. For the first time in my life I succeeded and I have to be very honest, they are delicious!

baking butter & flour baking

I think the baking boxes are ideal. Because everything was delivered as is (including baking paper and skewer), nothing could go wrong. An ideal box for those who, like me, want to bake but don’t always know what to make and don’t have the time or inclination to go to the store to buy all the ingredients.

Check here how to order the boxes and for prices.